I got everything finished cc wise that I wanted to before starting this next rotation, so the past two nights, I've got to play. And generation six is now officially here in the main house. Behold the cute: ( 2 pics follow )
Title: Haste Prompt: Riding bareback/Sending for a midwife. (holleyb76/silverbelle1220) Rating: U. Spoiler rating: 6/10. Summary: A first time father's frantic flight through the night. Notes: So, the actual in game footage of this has been posted in a picspam, but this is how I see generation six making it's appearance in the story. Word Count: 1,077.
Since LJ was being full of fail, and I didn't feel like starting to write straight away, I decided to do a bit of playing. It's going to be a while until this shows in story, (and I'll probably do a more in depth picspam once I've played a couple more houses), but I'm so excited about it, I want to share.